Senior Citizen Web Sites

Senior Citizen Web Sites
Senior citizens are the accepted terms used to refer to persons who are elderly or who are already into retirement. This is the label that is accepted and used in United Kingdom and US and considered to be the most polite label to use. In some cases, the label will also refer to those people who are already past their retirement. There are different standards that are used to define the age range for seniors and sites like Senior Journal and Senior Law will maintain a general understanding of the age range for senior citizens. There are a number of terms that are often interchanged with the label ‘senior citizen’ and some of these terms are used in leading senior websites like, and SeniorNet. In some cases, this label serves its purpose in the context of law and the rights of people who are in their retirement age including services like Travel Deals Warnings. For example, those who are already in the retirement age will be eligible for Senior Deals and Senior Discounts. The definition for the senior citizens will also be used in the implanting rules and regulations of the Social Security. The use of this label is also a sign of respect and giving importance for the persons who belong to this age group. Saying that the person is a senior citizen implies that the person has a loaded experience in life and should be respected.

History of the Use of the Term
It was in 1938 when this label was first used. This was popularized during a political campaign. But right now, the use of this term has become popular and has been used in everyday conversations. In fact there are now a number of websites that freely use and advocate the term including AARP, Admin on Aging and CARP (Canada). The term has become helpful in commercial transactions since the senior citizens are now given discounts and preferential treatments when it comes to accessing the Drug List and other services as listed on drkoop,ElderWeb It is now a common practice to provide senior citizens with discount cards.

Accepted Age for Senior Citizens
The qualifying age for senior citizens varies from region to region. But government agencies and programs like Medicare and websites like andWidowNet will have their own general understanding of the qualifying age. The qualifying age is used by different websites like Savings Bond Calculator andThirdAge in delivering better services. In the United States the qualifying age is 65 and in Canada, the age is 60.

Senior Citizen Resources

  • AARP’s List of Senior Web Sites – A comprehensive listing, including all members of Congress, lots of state contacts, etc.
  • Aardvarkexpress–  A different kind of site for seniors who have some time. See their own promotion
  • AccentCare– Provides a wide range of caregiving services that enable seniors to live independently at home
  • Age of Reason–  Claims over 5,000 web listings. We didn’t count but there is a bunch.
  • Age Span–  Enabler, on-line community geared to helping seniors with new technology.
  • Age Venture News Service– Lots of opinion, book reviews, info aimed at seniors.
  • Aging Research and Education Center – University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio – one of the preeminent research programs in aging and geriatrics in the nation.
  • Aging Solutions – Advice, comprehensive checklists, and links to key resources … designed to make it easier for family caregivers to quickly find the information they need … and avoid missing things that are important in the care of their loved one.
  • Alliance for Aging Research – A private, not-for-profit advocacy organization fighting for science policies in the nation’s capital
  • Alliance for Retired Americans – Union-backed organization advocating policy on senior citizen programs.
  • American Federation on Aging – “Knowledge we all need to live healthier, longer lives.”
  • American Society on Aging – The largest network of professionals in the field of aging.
  • BenefitCheckUp – A helpful site by the non-profit National Council on the Aging. Guide to state, federal programs helping seniors and caregivers.
  • Caregiver Magazine – Caregiver Media Group (Today’s Caregiver Magazine,, etc.) and all of it’s products are developed for caregivers, about caregivers and by caregivers.
  • Caregivers Marketplace – Get cash back and discounts on caregiving products. Enrollment is FREE and confidential.
  • Caregivers Sourcebook – This site sells the Caregivers Sourcebook which they say, “serves the professional as a caregiving resource referral reference. For the individual, it is a reliable, jargon free guide that educates the care giver on issues of care giving, elder care, elder law…”
  • Citizens for Better Medicare – A non-profit group keeping Medicare improvement on the national agenda. Establishment-leaning group.
  • Civic Ventures – Founded in 1998, works to expand the contribution of older Americans to society. Associated with the Experience Corps  – that places a critical mass of older adult volunteers in schools and youth-focused organizations in their communities.
  • Consumer Consortium on Assisted Living – The only national consumer – focused advocacy organization dedicated solely to the needs and rights of assisted living residents
  • Double Nickels – “Welcome to 55,” a fun site with lots of links. 
  • Elder Law Answers – A site with good legal information and more for seniors and the elderly.
  • Eldercare Locator – U.S. service to find programs and supportive services to help people care for an older member of their family in their homes and communities.
  • Elder Web – Sources of information for professionals and family caregivers.
  • Experience Corps – Places a critical mass of older adult volunteers in schools and youth-focused organizations in their communities.
  • Experience Works – Is the new name for Green Thumb, which claims to be the country’s oldest and largest provider of mature-worker training and employment.
  • Family Connection’s Senior Pages – Lots of information for senior citizens.
  • Foundation Fighting Blindness – Mission is to find the causes, treatments, preventions, and cures for retinitis pigmentosa (RP), macular degeneration, Usher syndrome and the entire spectrum of retinal degenerative diseases.
  • Genetics on Aging – A site by the Alliance for Aging Research that focuses on the role of genetics in the aging process.
  • Go60 – Helping seniors improve with age.
  • Green Thumb – The country’s oldest and largest provider of mature-worker training and employment has changed its name and Website to
  • GreyPath – The Australian Internet Portal for retirees and seniors.
  • Health and Age – Novartis Foundation on Gerontology site with lots of information on senior health.
  • Health and Retirement Study – One of the leaders in researching aging.
  • Hospice Patients Alliance – HPA provides information about hospice services, directly assists patients, families and caregivers in resolving difficulties they may have with current hospice services, and promotes better quality hospice care.
  • Impowerage – Senior Health & Wellness Magazine
    – An online magazine for active seniors and with articles on fitness, wellness, lifestyle and more.
    International Council on Active Aging – We help you embrace the aging wellness movement and ride the wave of success.
  • Ivanhoe Broadcasting – (Health News) This Website by Ivanhoe Broadcast News is emerging as a growing source of health news for senior citizens.
  • Long Term Care Link – A comprehensive, noncommercial source of long-term care information.
  • MatureResources – A monthly internet magazine and business directory for Baby Boomers and Seniors.
  • MedicAlert – Founded in 1956, this is one of the world’s largest nonprofit membership organizations with a mission to protect and save lives. MedicAlert provides a secure transfer of identification and medical information to health and safety professionals 24 hours a day anywhere in the world. Serve more than 4 million members around the globe.
  • Medicare News Watch – Medicare news for beneficiaries, caregivers and healthcare professionals.
    Vintage Aircraft ManualsThey have manuals for all types of civilian and military airplanes and engines. An invaluable resource.

  • Medicare Rights Center – A national, not-for-profit organization that helps ensure that older adults and people with disabilities get good affordable health care.
  • MyZiva – The site recommended by for comparing nursing homes, etc.
  • National Association of State Units on Aging and Disabilities – NASUAD has been actively engaged for the past forty years in federal public policy development, analysis, interpretation and dissemination in a variety of program areas that affect older people.
  • National Committee to Preserve Social Security – Broad-based group that speaks often on Social Security issues.
  • National Council on the Aging (NCOA) – The nation’s first national, nonprofit group of people and organizations dedicated to promoting the dignity, independence, well-being, and contributions of older people.
  • National Council of Senior Citizens – The National Council of Senior Citizens works to improve the lives of the elderly and people of all ages.
  • OASIS – A national nonprofit educational organization designed to enhance the quality of life for mature adults. Offering challenging programs in the arts, humanities, wellness, technology and volunteer service, OASIS creates opportunities for older adults to continue their personal growth and provide meaningful service to the community.
  • PACE – Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) provide and coordinate all needed preventive, primary, acute and long term care services so that older individuals can continue living in the community.
  • ParentGiving – online retailer of home care products, incontinence supplies and medical supplies to facilitate aging in place.
  • Progressive Majority – Pushes a populist political agenda with emphasis on senior citizen issues.
  • Retirement Net – Claims to be the world’s leading online retirement resource! Finding the right home has never been faster or easier.
  • Retirement Research Foundation – A non-profit foundation to help retired senior citizens.
  • SAGE Crossroads – The premier online forum for emerging issues of human aging.
  • Sam and Ann Barshop Center for Longevity and Aging Studies – a major academic instution that has a large program in biogerontology.
  • Sam and Rosa Stein Institute for Research on Aging – An Organized Research Unit under the auspices of the University of California, San Diego with a commitment to advancing lifelong health and independence through research, education, and patient care.
  • Savvy Senior – Website by the author of the nationally syndicated newspaper column “Savvy Senior.”
  • Senior Center – Another senior portal site.
  • Senior Citizens Bureau – Promotes senior networking and group intervention by providing entertaining and exciting outlets for seniors to meet, socialize and have fun.
  • Senior Citizen Hall of Fame – Ohio – Over 200 Buckeye State citizens have been named. Find them here.
  • – Is an information and e-commerce site focusing on the needs of seniors, family members and caregivers, and the senior services network
  • SeniorCom – Once a popular site, it has now been closed and under construction for a couple of years. Don’t waste your time.
  • Senior Crime Watch – You can post your crime stories here.
  • Senior-Fitness – Site on fitness by former Olympic Diving Coach Betty Perkins-Carpenter. Offers helpful books she has written.
  • Senior Job Resource  – A directory of job, employment and career information for workers 50 years or older: articles from national career coaches, job seeker tools, career assessment web links, resume tips, career tips, job hunting tips, education opportunities, training information and web links to other numerous helpful sites.
  • – Exists to provide those ages 55 and over the best possible community services and information resources that the web has to offer, completely free of charge.
  • SeniorNet – Computer training for older Americans at 175 centers nationwide.
  • Senior Hospitality – Lots of link info for seniors
  • Seniors 4 Hire – Jobs and employment resources for older workers, retirees and senior citizens 50 and over.
  • – Don’t waste your time. Once an active site, it has been inactive a couple of years – just like Both are dead.
  • Seniors Coalition – A non-profit, 501c(4), non-partisan, education and issue advocacy organization that represents the interests and concerns of America’s senior citizens at both the state and federal levels.
  • Seniors Guide – A site designed for seniors in Texas and, in particular, Austin.
  • Senior Job Bank – Site where jobs for seniors are posted. Has helpful information, too.
  • SeniorLinkOnline – A learning center dedicated to helping caregivers with information, support and expert advice about eldercare. Subscribers can contact a Seniorlink care advisor for personalized help and to create an eldercare plan.
  • Seniors Search (Lots of Links) –
  • Senior-Spirit – E-zine for senior women
  • Senior Sites – Lists non-profit providers of senior housing, health care, and services.
  • Shepherd Centers – People of all faiths work together in Shepherd’s Centers to help older adults sustain and celebrate life.
  • SportsGeezer – Website about health and fitness for people over 40.
  • Successful Aging (Canada) – Basic information and news by the Successful Aging Project at Lakehead University.
  • – Features humor and hope for those 50- to 75-years old who ‘became senior before their time.’
  • This is England – A really unique site where a mother and daughter tell stories of England. It’s lots of fun.
  • Too Young 2 Retire – True stories of seniors on the go. Interesting reading!
  • Unraveling the Secrets of Human Longevity – Scholarly Website trying to understand the mechanisms of aging and longevity in order
    to extend healthy and productive human lifespan.
  • – National Index of Retirement Communities, Assisted Living Communities, Continuing Care Homes, Nursing Homes, Senior Housing and Active-living Retirement Communities located in USA and Canada.
  • WELLComeHome – A well-done resource for the elderly to assist them in home modification planning.
  •  – A directory of websites that provides information on lifestyles, goods and/or services available for persons age 50 and up.

Federal government

  • All-In-One Government Site – Reach all of the government sites and information.
  • Administration on Aging – Information from the federal agency that deals with issues affecting older Americans.
  • Aging Initiative – A site by the Environmental Protection Agency on healthy aging.
  • Consumer Protection Agency Senior Help – Web Page with links to consumer information specifically for senior citizens. It has information about a wide range of topics from buying cars to saving money.
  • Department of Health and Human Services – Includes computer links to many of the department’s agencies.
  • Eldercare Locator – U.S. service to find programs and supportive services to help people care for an older member of their family in their homes and communities.
  • First Government for Seniors  – Formerly, where to find the latest government news for senior citizens and a guide to all federal government sites for seniors. Now mostly static links.
  • Health Care Financing Administration – The operations of the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Also:,the official Medicare site, which contains comparisons of Medicare and Medigap policies.
  • Medicaid – Home page for Medicaid consumers.
  • Medicare – Home page for Medicare consumers.
  • Medicare Nursing Home Compare– Provides detailed information about the performance of every Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing home in the country.
  • National Aging Information Center of AoA – Skipping the Administration on Aging introductions, etc., this goes right to their information for seniors.
  • National Institutes of Health – Provides links to several institutes, including the National Cancer Institute and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
  • National Library of Medicine – Senior Health – Gathers health news about seniors on a daily basis.
  • Senior Corps – Go to our Senior Corps page for links
  • Social Security Administration – Everything about Social Security and its many services.
  • U.S. House Subcommittee on Social Security – Where Social Security legislation begins.
  • U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging – A good place to keep up with legislation affecting seniors.