Reverse Directories

Reverse Directories

If there are the yellow pages, then there are gray pages and these are the reverse directories. These are differently designed in a way that the arrangement is by telephone numbers first, before the customer information will be indicated. This is the reason why these directories are named reverse directories.

The order of storing the customer information and details on the directories will start first with the numbers. These directories are normally used by police officers and anyone who is into law enforcement. Police officers will make use of these directories to know the source of the calls and to validate the veracity of the calls as well. These are for private use through from time to time; the general public can access and use these as well.

Background of Reverse Directories
For many years, these types of directories are printed and distributed to law enforce, libraries and phone companies. Since there was a growing demands for this kind of information, service providers offering reverser lookups have become popular in the 1990s. Starting in 2000s, advertising in these directories became popular. Due to the rising incidence of the use of these directories by the general public, concerns regarding privacy and security started to show up.

Use of Reverse Directories in Australia
The use of directories has been the subject of litigation in Australia. Telsra Corporation Ltd fought for the copyright of the content of the white and the yellow pages. It was in February 2010 that the Federal Court of Australia ruled that the company does not own the rights to the contents of the yellow and the white pages.

Use of Reverse Directories in the United States
There’s an arrangement in the US that gives customers the chance to opt out of the directory services and listing. Delisting however is not applicable to mobile phone numbers. Since the use of mobile phones has been increasing through the years, the idea of releasing these numbers has met stiff opposition.

Up until this time, mobile phone numbers are not available to the public and they are not carried in directories including reverse directories. Right now, ReversePhoneDirectory is tapped by certain business especially by those businesses that are involved in fund raising and in telemarketing.

Use of Reverse Directories in the United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom, the use of the reverse directories is not allowed and not available to the public. There’s one area in the United Kingdom where this data is available. People from the Channel Islands are given the opportunity to access these details since these are still indicated in the phone directories. Though it can be argued that these details can be used by the general public for their own use, still the use of these data is highly restricted.

Phone numbers and similar details and the services of reverse directories are considered regulated information and subject to controls. These regulations and controls are the ones that cover the request for call lists and the content of communications like phone calls.

As of today, there are some websites that offer these services including Info USA.

Reverse Lookup Directories

  • – Reverse lookup directory, including reverse phone number search and address lookup for people and businesses. Also gives regions corresponding to area and ZIP codes.
  • AnyWho: Reverse Lookup – Reverse lookup telephone search service, helping users find the person or business behind a particular phone number.
  • Cell Reverse Search – Reverse search cell phone numbers to find an owner’s name and address, with access to other detailed information about the owner. Reverse lookup cellular, residential, business, pager, private, and unlisted phone numbers.
  • Reverse Phone Detective – Find more information about any cell or landline phone number, including name, address, and more.
  • Find out if that mysterious phone number is a telemarketer and share comments with other victims of unknown caller IDs.
  •– Offers reverse cell or landline phone lookup service. Find the name, address, carrier, city, and state information of the phone number.
  • Find Cell Phone Numbers- Reverse cell phone directory offers search by name or by cell phone number.
  • Reverse Phone Check– Offers reverse phone number lookup for land line or cell number to get the information about individuals or businesses.
  •– Community-generated reverse lookup directory of telephone numbers of telemarketers, scams, or unwanted callers.
  •– Provides reverse cell phone lookup directory to track mobile, unlisted, and landline phone numbers.
  •– Provides unlisted phone numbers including cellular, home, and business numbers.
  • A1 People Search– Offers reverse phone number look up searches for unlisted and cell phone numbers. Find address from name or search by social security number.
  • Free Cell Phone Tracer- Find more information about a cell phone number, including the carrier, line type, map, and issuing location.
  • Who Owns This Phone Number– Free search that provides more information about any phone number and resources to find out who the owner is.