

Researching on the web and actual research are two different things. There are some things that should be kept in mind when it comes to online researching. What works for a person when researching the use of Encarta or may not actually work for another who needs to simply check out HowStuffWorks,Federal Government Info or even

Find A Phrase.

When starting the research, it is important to define if it will be soft or hard research. When it comes to soft, this will refer to the resources that will include some form of insights and opinions.

There are certain websites that can help in this form of research including SparkNotes and Wireless Advisor. When it comes to hard research, then this will refer to facts, numbers, data and other quantifiable things. These details and information can be found in, CIA World Factbook, Census 2000 Info and Cities-States & more. Some websites can serve as sources of both the soft and hard research sources.

Limit the Keywords and Search
When researching on the web, it is important to define and limit the keywords. Generalized topics can be tiring since this will mean extra hour’s worth of researching and checking some of the more comprehensive websites like and background checks.

Once a keyword has been identified, that’s the time that the search engines can be used to find relevant information. Don’t just stick with just one search engine.

Make sure that a number of search engines will be used when searching for data and information. In case there are some websites and tools that will prove helpful in the research then it’s recommended to bookmark these websites and resources.

Some important resources and tools that should be bookmarked include Merriam-Websters, LibrarySpot andLibrary of Congress. If the research is more on the quantifiable side, then it’s recommended to bookmark Math Calculators,Property Tax Data and Public Records. Links and websites are easy to delete, thus it’s easier to bookmark these pages for future use.

Personal Materials Should Be Read As Well
Websites and resources that have been bookmarked like Tech Market Research and Trademark/Patents should be read and analyzed. It is important to reflect on the resources and data that were presented on these resources and check for accuracy and relevance.

Cite Resources and Use Online Tools
When researching and writing, it is important to cite the resources. Whether the websites will refer to the World Book, Librarian’s Indexor OneLook it is recommended to cite all these resources. To make writing faster, it is recommended to make use of free tools and resources that can be tapped online. Some of the free tools that can be used include WayBackMachine,WWWebster and All these websites can help in writing. Some websites are helpful depending on the content, for example site that involves Abbreviationsand ACRONYM FINDER and even should help in general papers. Social sciences papers will require Research-It, and For computations, sites like Convert Anything can help.