
Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases
Includes recent articles, health advisories, list of top 20 hazardous chemicles and a database.

Agriculture links from SEJ
Links from the Society of Environmental Journalists on environmental aspects of agriculture.

Army Chemical Demilitarization
Site devoted to efforts to dispose of chemical warfare material.

Many links to environmental organizations.

California Department of Pesticide Regulation
Primarily for Californians. Sends out reports of regulatory actions and information on pesticides, endangered species and air contaminants.

Careers in Environmental Journalism
Links from the Society of Environmental Journalists to fellowships, education programs, awards and jobs.

Chemical Health & Safety Data
Information about more than 2,000 chemicals studied by the National Toxicology Program. View a list of chemicals, or search the entire database. See synonyms, chemical formulae, physical description, volatility, flammability, toxicity, carcinogenicity, labels required, handling procedures, emergency procedures…

Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
Examines chemical accidents in the U.S. Its new Chemical Incident Reports Center gives current information on the Web about incidents worldwide: spills, fires, explosions…

Coalition Environmentally Responsible Economies
A nonprofit coalition advocating responsible environmental policies by business.

Distribution of Major Herbicides in Ground Water
A report from the U.S. Geological Survey.

The free resource is a comprehensive encyclopedia of eco-labels found on food and wood products. With over 100 records of labels and general claims, consumers can find out who, what, and why behind the labels and general claims. Very easy to search and excellent database.

EINet Galaxy
A comprehensive set of links to other resources on the environment: universities, directories, collections, discussion groups, guides, nonprofits, et al.

Energy Information Administration
Info on any energy topic, from the U.S. Department of Energy. Includes country briefs. Search by subject or key word. Or receive an alert by E-mail: weekly, monthly, or on subtopics or regions.

Envirofacts Warehouse
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s searchable database of environmental information.

EnviroLink News Service
A service of the not-for-profit EnviroLink Network, EnviroLink News Service sends e-mail alerts of environmental stories from various Web news sites.

Environment News Service
ENS has news articles on its Web site at Lycos. It also distributes press releases, paid for by companies, under the name E-Wire. Both are available free by E-mail. Fill in your e-mail address at the bottom of the page.

Environmental Defense Fund
The EDF has astroturf (assisted grassroots lobbying) down to a science. The EDF sends E-mail about impending political actions. The member replies with a message, which EDF faxes to the appropriate member of Congress.

Environmental Health Information Service
EHIS, a service of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, is the most extensive international database of searchable information on the environment, toxicity, and cancer. Search and retrieve full text from Environmental Health Perspectives and its supplements, Chemical Health and Safety Database, carcinogens reports, toxicology technical reports, and the Tumor Incidence in Historical Control Animals Report. Portions of this service cost for access. Depository librarians can assist you with this service.

Environmental Literacy Council
Basic information on environmental topics, and critiques of textbooks and the current state of environmental education.

Environmental News Network
Stories on legislations related to the environment and other current news. You can also search the its news archive or access news bytes, a quick version to the day’s environmental news.

Environmental News Network
ENN’s Newswire is a daily digest of environmental news. That’s free, but it charges for its World Wire, with articles from AP, Reuters and and Knight-Ridder/Tribune wire.

Environmental Protection Agency
More than 70 EPA mailing lists on a range of topics.

Environmental TipSheet from SEJ
TipSheet is a biweekly environmental list of story ideas from the Society of Environmental Journalists, the Radio and Television News Directors Foundation, and the Environmental Health Center. An archive is available online.

Examples of Environmental CAR Stories
View stories or search the site.

Food Industry Environmental Network
Jack Cooper, former director of the National Food Processors Association, runs this weekly newsletter on environmental issues affecting the agricultural and food industry, including food safety, biotechnology, pesticide, nutrition, and agricultural research.

Global Warming FAQ
Crash course on how the environment is changing and what’s affecting it. From the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

HazDat Database
Information on the health effects of hazardous substances, and releases of hazardous substances from U.S. Superfund sites and emergencies. Search by location or substance. From the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

Health Effects Institute
Info on health effects of pollutants.

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Study of oceans, climate, environment, and the solid earth.

League of Conservation Voters
Environmental votes of members of U.S. Congress.

Lehigh Science and Environmental Writing Program
An undergraduate program at Lehigh University. Also links on education in environmental journalism.

Local Emergency Planning Committees
Groups that prepare emergency plans under the U.S. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act.

Natural Disaster Database
Satellite remote sensing for disaster mitigation. Database, bulletin board, research links.

NLM: Chemical Warfare Agents
Authoritative source of information from the National Library of Medicine. Includes descriptions of four types of chemical agents and their effects on human health. Offers extensive collection of links to related information.

Pesticide National Synthesis Project
Reports on pesticides and U.S. water systems.

Recreational opportunities on Federal lands
Information about national parks, wildlife refuges, forests, and sites managed by the Bureau of Land Management, Army Corps of Engineers, and Bureau of Reclamation.

Right-to-Know Network
Searchable databases, documents, and conferences on the environment, housing, and sustainable development. Environmental databases include the Toxic Release Inventory, Biennial Reporting System and several others. Housing databases include the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act and information on mortgage insurance and the secondary market in mortgages.

How Toxic is your community? Research chemical releases by company or by any local area across the U.S., properties of more than 6,800 chemicals, polluter and city pollution rankings, and the health effects of chemicals. From the Environmental Defense Fund, based mostly on the U.S. Toxic Release Inventory.

Back issues of the quarterly newsletter of the Society of Environmental Journalists, from 1990. In PDF format. The current issue is available only to members and subscribers. Issues prior to Spring 1995 are in scanned images, and are not searchable.

Sierra Club
“America’s oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization.” Contains news updates, local event information, press releases, and information on political candidates.

Sierra Club Alerts
Sierra Club has several alerts: SC-Action with daily political and environmental alerts; the Planet for activists; discussion areas; and a searchable archive of press releases.

Society of Environmental Journalists
Excellent online resources, including tipsheets, examples of news articles, and publications.

The Natural Resources Defense Council
NRDC has two alerts, Legislative Watch, which tracks environmental issues in Congress, and Earth Action, which encourages grassroots action on issues.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control
A deep site with data and statistics. Start with “Health Topics A to Z.” Ranked by the Medical Library Association among the Top 10 consumer medical sites.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
A trove of environmental information.

USGS National Map
The US government department’s definitive presentation of US topography, with viewers that allow you to view the maps in numerous different ways to get the exact picture you need. The USGS site is also a good hub of links to other government sites (biology, geology, etc).

WWW Virtual Library — Earth Science
The most complete Web library turns its attention to Earth Science.