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Academic Costume Code and Ceremony Guide
At graduation, maize means agriculture, crimson is journalism…

Access America for Students
A U.S. government site for students: plan your education, pay for your education, career development, community service, travel, register to vote, etc.

Achieve’s National Clearinghouse
An education standards database searchable by state, grade, sucject and standards categories compiled by Acheive, “an independent, bipartisan, not-for-profit organization formed in 1996 by governors and corporate CEOs.”
All about attention deficit disorder and related topics.
The largest e-mail address database and directory on the web. Varied method of performing searches using phone numbers, e-mail and home addresses. Also able to search for businesses, zip codes, area codes, schools and even persons.

American Council on Education
From the membership organization of colleges and universities. Has current news, updates on education-related legislation, and links to resources on educational issues: accreditation, adult learning, affirmative action, college cost, tuition, women, et al.

American Educational Research Association
The American Educational Research Association is concerned with improving the educational process by encouraging scholarly inquiry related to education and by promoting the dissemination and practical application of research results.

American Universities
Lists U.S. colleges and universities alphabetically and links to their home pages.

American Universities list
Links to home pages of U.S. universities.

American Youth Policy Forum
The best part of this site is the Forum Briefs, on education, preparation for careers, and youth and community development.

Annie E. Casey Foundation
A private foundation for disadvantaged children. Its Kids Count database tracks the status of children in the U.S.: low birth-weight babies, infant mortality, teen pregnancy, education data, juvenile arrest rates, et al.

Argus on Education
An essential resource. Argus’s online research library links to resources on topics ranging from education to science & mathematics.

Black Collegian
Provides career links, allowing you to search job openings and post your resum�. Also contains site about African-American issues.

Broadcast Education Association
Association for professors, industry professionals and graduate students who are interested in teaching and research related to electronic media and multimedia enterprises. Education divisions include communication technology, gender issues, law and policy, multicultural studies, production aesthetics, and research.

Campus Newspapers on the Internet
Lists by name or university.

Canadian Universities list
Links to home pages of Canadian universities, in French and English.

Center for Education Reform
CER’s web links to educational organizations. Many links to charter school sites.

Center for Education Reform charter schools
Recent news in charter schools around the country. Use the directory to locate specific charter schools.

“This web site offers easy access to federal and state statistics and reports on children and their families, including: population and family characteristics, economic security, health, behavior and social environment,and education.” From several U.S. government agencies.

Chronicle of Higher Education
Authoritative news from college campuses in the U.S. and abroad, updates on scholarly research and technological developments, and reports on legislation affecting colleges and universities. You can receive a daily briefing via E-mail. And full-time journalists may request complimentary subscriptions to the print version, and access to the Web site. Go to the site, and look in the menu, under services, for press inquiries.

College and University Home Pages
Alphabetical list of more than 3,000 college sites. Also has a geographical listing.

College and University Home Pages
Lists U.S. and international colleges and universities alphabetically. Or search the geographical listing as well. By Christina DeMello.

College Board
Good site for parents and high school students preparing for college. Links to SAT and AP test sites. Search colleges by major, admission criteria, location, sports and financial aid.

College Degree
Searchable index of colleges offering degrees by “distance learning.” Search by degree, certificate or course.

College Financial Aid Information Page
Everything you need to know about scholarships, loans and how to finance a college education.

Community College Directory
A nonprofit site, offering “the Internet’s most comprehensive directory of community colleges.” See also the link to other Web pages on community colleges, at the bottom of every page.

Community College Web
Includes more than 1,000 community colleges, whose Web addresses are harder to guess because they usually don’t make it into the “.edu” domain name system. Searchable by name, geography or keyword. Also links to resources on general education, searchable by keyword or category.

Connect for Kids
News, features and ideas on improving families and communities. Good feature ideas.

Council for Exceptional Children
Professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for students with exceptional abilities or disabilities. Info on research findings, classroom practices that work, legislation and policies.

Council of Chief State School Officers
Represents state school superintendents and the like. Check out the publications list.

Council of the Great City Schools
Provides reports and analyses of the progess of inner-city schools on topics such as reducing class size, improving education and services, and closing achievement gaps by the Council of the Great City Schools, an organization of the nation’s largest urban public school systems.

Tips for teachers and parents on computer use by children: safety, manners, advertising and privacy, research and technology.

Deadly Lessons: School Shooters Tell Why
“Deadly Lessons,” a special report in the Chicago Sun-Times on a study by the U.S. Secret Service. PDF file.

Digest of Education Statistics
An annual compilation that serves as a snapshot of education in the U.S.: the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, educational attainment, finances, federal funds for education, employment and income of graduates, libraries, and international education. Supplemental information on population trends, attitudes on education comparisons, education characteristics of the labor force, government finances, and economic trends. Much of the information comes from the National Center for Education Statistics.

Distance Education at
Good links on the effectiveness of distance education, from the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Ed.Net Briefs
Sign up to receive a free, weekly newsletter, sent via E-mail, containing several news briefs on current education and education-related technology. By Simpson Communications.
Resources to help girls get the most out fo their education. (Boys are allowed in the study hall area.)

Education Commission of the States
Hundreds of issue briefings on education in the states. “The Education Commission of the States (ECS) is a national, nonprofit organization that helps governors, legislators, state education officials and others identify, develop and implement policies to improve student learning at all levels.”

Education Data Partnership
Limited to California, this site provides profiles and reports on all public schools in the state. Search by county, district or school. Compare California with U.S. national averages on enrollment growth, teacher/pupil ratio, and expenditures per pupil. Also find school and student trends.

Education inspector general
Auditor and inspector of education funding for the U.S. government.

Education links from EWA
An up-to-date list from the Education Writers Association, strong on recently released studies and published reports.

Education Policy Analysis Archives
A peer-reviewed electronic journal of abstract and full-text articles on education policy anaylsis. Archives are searchable, dating to 1993. This site is maintained by Arizona State University.

Education Resource Organization Directory
A searchable directory of thousands of “organizations that provide services on a state, regional, or national level” yeilding results such as Regional Education Laboratories, national research centers, or professional research organizations. From the U.S. Department of Education.

Education Week
Top education stories from newspapers around the world. Updated daily at noon, Eastern time. By Editorial Projects in Education Inc.

Education Writers Association
The U.S. association of education reporters and editors.

Encyclopedia of ED Stats
Provides statistics from 1950 and projections to 2010 on issues such as student attendance, cost and quality of schools for preschool through college. Based on polls and comments by teachers this site is searchable by subject. By National Center for Education Statistics.

Environmental Literacy Council
Basic information on environmental topics, and critiques of textbooks and the current state of environmental education.

ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center)
The Educational Resources Information Center is a national information system providing access to an extensive body of education-related literature. It is supported by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, and the National Library of Education. Contains abstracts of report literature in education. First published in paper in Office of Education Reports, 1956 � 65 and as Resources in Education (RIE), a monthly index with semiannual cumulations, from 1966 to date.

Federal Resources for Education Excellence
Information on educational excellence, from many U.S. government agencies. Start with the site map.

Hennen’s American Public Library Rating Index
The Index uses data provided by nearly 9,000 public libraries in the United States to create comparative rankings. The comparisons are in broad population categories.

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
Data on college enrollment by race, ethnicity and sex; salaries; tuition; revenue and expenditures; and other topics. From the National Center for Education Statistics. Find college enrollment data through the “1998 Survey Response Status” link.

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Part of the U.S. Department of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention “is the primary Federal agency responsible for addressing the issues
of juvenile crime and delinquency. In 1984, Congress added the problem of missing and exploited children to OJJDP�s legislative mandate. OJJDP administers the Missing and Exploited Children�s program, four programs under the Victims of Child Abuse Act, and the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. OJJDP provides Federal leadership by providing grants and contracts to States, local communities, and Indian tribes to help improve their juvenile justice
systems and by sponsoring innovative research, demonstration, evaluation, statistics, and technical assistance and training programs to improve the Nation�s understanding of and response to juvenile violence and delinquency.”

Keep Schools Safe
Originated in 1998, this site provides recommendations on dealing with school violence including topics such as handling crisis situations, the role of law enforcement and effective preventative stategies. It is a joint project of the National Association of Attorneys General and the National School Boards Association.

Keeping Schools and Communities Safe
Resources on school violence. From the U.S. Department of Education.

Mission Critical Introduction to logic
Count the fallacies in your newspaper’s editorial today. Start with Mission: Critical, an “interactive tutorial for critical thinking, in which you will be introduced to basic concepts through sets of instructions and exercises.” Ignore the goofy graphics.

National Assessment of Adult Literacy 2002
Reports on a U.S. project to assess the state of literacy. Through 2002, the project will report data on literacy by demographic group and region.

National Association for Gifted Children
Provides recent legislation and public policy efforts for gifted children.

National Center for Children in Poverty
Facts and resources on child poverty in the U.S.

National Center for Education Statistics surveys
A list of survey areas (i.e. data sources) at the National Center for Education Statistics (U.S.)

National Clearinghouse on Families and Youth
A resource of the Family and Youth Service Bureau, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Information for professionals who deal with youth, policy makers, researchers, etc.

National Crosstalk
Look here for articles on current policy debate issues of higher education. Browse archives to 1997 on this free quarterly publication by the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education.

National Education Association issues
An index by the National Education Association on current issues related to education such as safe schools, bilingual education, charter schools, vouchers, class size and more.

National Education Goals Panel
Monitors the performance of students on a national and state level. Find education indicators such as if parents read to their children or if children are increasingly enrolled in pre-school. Data is compared to 1990 results, when the Panel originated. National scores as well as comparable state scores are available to 1998. Must have Acrobat Reader.

National Science Foundation
NSF offers an E-mail alert of all new publications, or only those matching your interests, or will make a custom Web page for you. Plenty of information on science and mathematics, including curriculum development.

National Violence Prevention and Study Center
These experts, largely from the U.S. Secret Service, have done groundbreaking work on “targeted violence” — terrorism, workplace and school shootings, and terrorism. Few of the so-called experts on “profiling” or terrorism have studied the subjects, but these guys have.

National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center
A new government Web site and toll-free hot line, with the slogan “Helping Your Children Navigate the Teenage Years.” Mostly links to other U.S. offices and publications. But maybe it will develop. The best material now is under the FAQs on the site map.

NCES: Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2001
“This report presents data on crime at school from the perspectives of students, teachers, principals, and the general population from an array of sources….” From the National Center for Education Statistics.

Partnerships Against Violence Network
Information about violence and youth-at-risk, representing data from seven different Federal agencies. Searchable. Designed to help states and local communities.

Peterson’s Guides
Not so complete as Peterson’s printed directories. But much here on K-12, colleges, distance learning, private schools, summer camps.

Public Agenda education guide
A good starting point for education coverage, in terms of public opinion. This briefing comes from Public Agenda, a nonpartisan public opinion research organization. Polls, proposals, sources, facts, trends.

School District Data Book
Info on enrollment, graduation rates, etc., for each U.S. school district. “The School District Data Book, from the National Center for Education Statistics, is an electronic library containing social, financial and administrative data for each of the 15,274 school districts in the United States for 1989-1990.”

School Violence PAVN
A summary of trends and statistics on school safety and violence, sponsored by several government agencies. Links to entire reports as well. Must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view reports. Some information is directed to only North Carolina audiences. By the Partnerships Against Violence Network.

School vouchers from EPN
A special report from the Electrnonic Policy Network. Links to interesting articles.

Special Education monitoring
A list of what’s new at the Office of Special Education Programs, of the U.S. Department of Education. Includes the latest state monitoring reports.

State Directors of Special Education
Lists state contacts for special education needs, including address, phone number and E-mail address.

The World Wide Web Virtual Library — education
The most comprehensive Web library turns its attention to education.

Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
Check here for recent released reviews of education reports, projects of national significance in elementary/secondary education reform, as well as significant education reform projects in Dayton, Ohio, and vicinity. The foundation has assumed the work of the Education Excellence Network.

U.S. Charter Schools
An overview of charter schools: what they are, how they are organized and funded, etc. Includes a list of FAQs for reporters. Find charter school information on specific states.

U.S. Department of Education
A well-designed site, with easy links to the most-requested items.

U.S. Education grants
Grants and contracts awarded by the U.S. Department of Education since 1997.

WestEd’s Policy Program
Find researched information on educational policy issues, emphasizing reform, on topics such as bilingual education, charter schools, class size reduction and vouchers. Information is aimed at state and local audiences in California, Arizona, Utah and Nevada. Supported in part by the U.S. Department of Education. WestEd is a public agency uniting Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development with the Southwest Regional Laboratory.

Yahoo! Education
Gateway site allows searching by category or by keywords.

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System
Data from a national survey on tobacco use, unhealthy diet, slothfulness, alcohol use, risky sexual behaviors and other risky things that teenagers do.

A full boat of information on adolescents, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: reports, publications and data. How much time do teenagers spend watching TV? How many use drugs? How many vote? The answers are here.