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Acronym Finder
More than 100,000 acronyms and abbreviations, especially from defense, computers and telecommunications.

ASCII character table
For those times when you need to know that ASCII 13 is a carriage return. Update
Everything you ever wanted to know about your Web browser. CNET will alert you to new browsers and security holes.

Center for Democracy and Technology
Funded by technology companies, communications companies and related businesses and trade groups. Promotes “democratic values and constitutional liberties in the digital age.”

Computer Almanac: Numbers About Computers
“Interesting and useful numbers about computers.” Statistics on use at home and work, operating systems, speed programming, research, Internet, injuries, crime. “These are useful for including in articles and speeches.”

Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
The most authoritative source of information on Internet security incidents and vulnerabilities. From Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Every computer network operator is on this list.
Collects and analyzes reviews of consumer products. Helpful for shoppers, and for journalists covering consumer products companies.

Tips for teachers and parents on computer use by children: safety, manners, advertising and privacy, research and technology.

Cyberspace Law and Policy
Bibliography of cases and opinions on cyberspace law. From the UCLA Online Institute for Cyberspace Law and Policy.

Dictionary: PC Hardware/Data Communications Terms
Provides complete descriptions of complex terms in personal computing and networks. From print version (no longer available) published by O’Reilly & Associates. Search by keyword or concept.

Distance Education at
Good links on the effectiveness of distance education, from the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Electronic Privacy Information Center
This nonprofit advocacy group on issues of privacy and civil liberties offers biweekly alerts.

Encyclopedia of the New Economy
From HotWired, definitions for disintermediation, Moore’s Law, transparency and other terms of the information economy.

Goodman’s Bookmarks
Large, eclectic collection of links to telecommunications information. Sections include news, wireless, Internet telephony, U.S. telecom, international, equipment vendors.
CNET’s launch pad for computer help: hardware, consumer electronics, Internet, games, Web building.

High-Tech Dictionary
What is a magneto-optical disk? Here’s a searchable computer dictionary, also with browsable lists of HTML tags, emoticons, file types, and Internet domain suffixes. From

Internet Scout Report and Net-happenings
Of course, there are alert services to keep you up to date on new Web sites. This is the best. Published every Friday by E-mail and on the Web, the Internet Scout Report is a rolling best of the Net, with materials selected and annotated by librarians and subject experts.

NewsLinx Headlines
Offers a daily compilation of headlines by E-mail, with links to articles, mostly on Internet culture and E-commerce. Also has alerts on Year 2000 and new software.

Patent Server from Delphion IBM
Easy search to find people in your area with patents. Or search by type of invention, or words in the description.

Public Technology
A cooperative effort of the National League of Cities, National Association of Counties, and The International City/County Management Association to bring technology to local governments.

“Spyonit simplifies life online by helping you stay on top of the things you care about. You tell a ‘spy’ what to watch for on the Internet, and when something changes, it reports back to you wherever you are: by e-mail, instant message, mobile phone or PDA.”

Telecoms Virtual Library
Collection of more than 7,800 links to other telecoms sites worldwide. Keeps track of the ten most popular links.

The Information Economy
Links to Web sites on the economics of the Internet, information goods, intellectual property. Compiles by Hal Varian of the University of California Berkeley.

U.S. Federal Communications Commission
The FCC Daily Digest provides a synopsis of Commission orders, news releases, speeches, and titles of public notices. The Digest is published every business afternoon. A searchable archive is on the Web site.

U.S. Patent Database
Search databases of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. U.S. Patent Bibliographic Database provides information on patents issued since January 1, 1976. The AIDS Patent Database provides the full text and images of patents for AIDS-related devices issued by Japanese, European, and U.S. patent offices. Depository libraries may have earlier print and microfiche materials or current CD-ROMs to assist you.

World Wide Web Security FAQ
Q&A on Web security. For Web managers, but should be read by anyone responsible for Web publishing.